Why Your Guard Dog is Not Enough to Keep Your Home Safe

Why Your Guard Dog Is Not Enough To Keep Your Home Safe


Having a guard dog as an extra security measure for your family home or business certainly has many benefits. You can be almost certain that when your average opportunist burglar has a choice between breaking into a home with a dog and one without, they will undoubtedly choose the one without.

Another benefit is that dogs are alert and protective over their owners and will do anything to keep you safe and they provide companionship that’s hard to find in another species, as well as being a great pet for any kids in your family. But is it enough to protect your home from intruders? Here we discuss why a dog might not be the only home security option you need:

A dog will not put off a professional burglar

An experienced burglar will know how to handle a guard dog, especially one in a family home. They will know some calming techniques and maybe offer some irresistible treats and usher your furry friend into another room and shut the door while they go about their business of rooting through your valuables.

You need to invest in professional guard dog training for maximum effectiveness

Some dog breeds, although they will have a loud bark and look intimidating, will cower and hide when a property is actually broken into. It’s not enough to simply have a dog that you call a guard dog and just barks at people without investing in proper training on how to deal with an intruder. A well-trained dog will not take treats or be fooled into a thief’s diversion tactics.

Dogs need time and investment

Having a guard dog is appealing and could be an excellent addition to your family, however it has to be said they do require a lot of time and training. Ask yourself before considering getting a dog to improve your home security if this is something you really have the time for and want not just to protect your property but to join your family.

A dog can’t protect your home 24/7

Dogs still need to be taken for walks, exercised and they need to sleep and rest. They cannot be on guard all day and night. While there’s no doubt a well-trained guard dog will alert his owners to someone approaching the property there are times they just won’t be available to do so. Another consideration is what will you do when you go on holiday. If you are planning on boarding your guard dog what will protect your home while you are away?

In conclusion, we believe while having your very own guard dog is an excellent deterrent, and holds many other fantastic benefits for your family, but it just isn’t enough to put off a professional burglar from entering your home by itself. Consider taking extra measures to protect your home and family such as installing a professional home security system or starting a Neighborhood Watch on your street.