Don’t Be a Statistic: Protect Your Galway Home from Winter Burglaries

As a security company in Galway, we understand that safeguarding your home is a top priority. With the winter months upon us, it's crucial to be aware of the increased risk of burglaries during this time. According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), there is a concerning 20% increase in burglaries over the winter months. Shockingly, one in eight properties in Ireland has experienced a burglary. These statistics highlight the importance of taking proactive steps to protect your Galway home during this season.

Common Entry Points for Burglars
CSO data reveals that burglars often gain access to homes through back doors (26%) and back windows (24%). To thwart their attempts, it's essential to secure these vulnerable entry points.

Door Entry Security
Invest in high-quality locks and deadbolts for all doors. Reinforce door frames to make forced entry more difficult. Consider the added security of smart doorbells and intercom systems, allowing you to screen visitors remotely.

Window Security
Ensure windows have effective locks and reinforcements. Security films and window bars can act as strong deterrents. Some homeowners opt for laminated glass, which is more challenging to break.

Burglar Profiling and Google Street View
Contrary to popular belief, not all burglars are opportunists. Some go to great lengths to plan their break-ins. It's alarming to note that some burglars even use Google Street View to scout for vulnerabilities in your property and neighbourhood. This highlights the need for vigilant community efforts, such as neighbourhood watch programs, to deter potential burglars.

The Power of Security Systems
CCTV and alarm systems are not just about alerting you and the authorities; they also serve as powerful visual deterrents. Burglars are less likely to target homes equipped with visible security systems.

CCTV Systems
Surveillance cameras serve as a formidable deterrent. They not only record suspicious activities but also make burglars think twice before attempting a break-in. Real-time monitoring and alerts keep you informed and allow for immediate action.

Alarm Systems
Audible alarms can startle intruders, alerting you and nearby neighbours. For enhanced security, consider monitored alarms with a professional response team ready to react swiftly in case of an intrusion.
As winter sets in and the risk of burglaries in Galway rises, taking action to safeguard your home is paramount. Prevention is key, and by securing common entry points, being aware of potential threats, and investing in modern security systems, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a burglary. At Pro Security, we are dedicated to helping Galway homeowners protect their properties and loved ones. Don't wait until it's too late; take proactive steps to secure your Galway home today.