5 ways of securing your commercial premises

Securing your commercial premises is not just a matter of protecting your assets, it's also about ensuring that staff and customers are safe. In today's world, businesses must ensure their premises are protected from theft, vandalism and other hazards. This article will explain how to protect your business from these risks by installing security systems such as intruder alarms and CCTV cameras.

Control access points.
Controlling your access points will ensure that no-one can enter your premises unauthorised, protecting you, your staff and your assets. This can be achieved in a number of ways:
- Control access points with a card reader.
- Install a keypad for access to the building.
- Install a biometrics system, which recognises you by your fingerprints, face or voice and allows access only to those who have been previously enrolled in the system.
- Install an alarm system that notifies you when someone enters or leaves through an exit point without authorisation, or if any other breach occurs within the premises

Security lighting.
Security lighting is a good deterrent to criminals. It should be directed on the entrances and exits, perimeter of your property and roof.

If you have windows, then security lights should also be placed in front of them so that people can't see inside from outside.

Install intruder alarm system.
An intruder alarm system is a great way to protect your property. It can be linked to a monitoring service, so if an intruder enters the premises, an alarm will sound and alert the monitoring company who will contact you immediately.

An intruder alarm system can also be linked to your mobile phone, so that when someone triggers it from within or outside of your property, they will receive a text message alerting them of this fact. This allows them time enough to get away from danger before calling for help from emergency services or security companies as necessary (depending on whether there's been any damage caused).

Secure the perimeter.
Use a perimeter fence. You can use razor wire, barbed wire or chain link fencing to keep intruders out of your property.

Install security gates at all entrances and exits on your property. This will prevent people from entering without permission and allow you to check credentials before granting them access into your building or onto the premises themselves.
Use a security barrier around any sensitive areas within your building such as server rooms or other high-value assets that need extra protection from potential thieves trying to break into them through windows or doors (which is why we recommend installing CCTV cameras around these areas). If possible, install motion sensors behind glass panes so they activate whenever someone walks by them - this will give you enough time before anyone gets too close for comfort!

Install CCTV cameras.
CCTV cameras are a good way to monitor your premises and can be used for all of the following purposes:
- To detect intruders or thieves
- To monitor staff activities
- To monitor customer activity
- To monitor deliveries
We hope that this has been a helpful guide for you to consider your commercial premises security. There are so many things to think about, but we believe that by taking action now, you can be sure that your business will be safe from intruders and theft.