Why choose a wireless alarm system for your home or business?

If you’re planning on installing a fire alarm system at your home or business in Athlone, then it’s likely that you are looking for an efficient and reliable solution. You want something that will give you peace of mind while making sure that the safety of your family and employees is guaranteed.

However, there are many different types of fire alarm systems available on the market today and not all of them offer the same benefits. In this article we will take a look at wired vs wireless systems to help you decide which option suits your needs best.

Similarities and differences

With a wired system, you have to run wires from the control panel to each detector and appliance. This can be time-consuming and difficult if you have a large building.

Wireless systems use radio waves instead of wires to transmit signals between the control panel and detectors. This makes them easier to install than hardwired systems because there are fewer parts that need to be connected together.

Reliability wise, wireless systems have come a long way since they were first introduced in the 1990s. Now they are equally as reliable as a wired system.

The hardware for a wireless system is a little more expensive, but when you factor in installation costs and repairing and redecorating walls, there is very little between them.

The benefits of installing a wireless alarm system

Wireless alarm systems are more convenient and easier to install, especially if your property or premises has limited access (such as high ceilings). Wireless systems can be used in areas where there is no power supply or where power is unreliable, which makes them ideal for homes or businesses that don't have an existing wiring system.

There's also less disruption to your business – no need to shut areas down while the system is being installed. Plus, there are no unsightly cables and no damage to your walls, saving you money on labour costs.
Another benefit is that they run on batteries, so if you have a power cut, your fire alarms will still protect your home or business.

Lastly, it is easy to modify the layout of a wireless system as your home or business grows, and they can easily be added to a wired system, as necessary.

If you're still unsure which option is right for your home or business, we encourage you to contact Pro Security today! We have years of experience helping people choose the best security solutions possible. So don't hesitate - contact us today!