
Protecting Your Construction Site from Organised Crime

The construction industry in Ireland is facing a significant threat from sophisticated criminal gangs, with more than €6 million worth of tools stolen from construction sites nationwide in 2017. As a builder, it’s crucial to prioritize site security and take proactive measures to safeguard your valuable equipment and prevent substantial financial losses.

The Gardai has urged builders to become more vigilant in protecting their property, emphasising the importance of marking tools and equipment to deter thieves and facilitate the return of stolen items. By engraving or stamping your company name or other identifying information on your tools, you can make them less attractive to thieves and increase the chances of recovery if they are stolen.

At Pro Security, we understand the challenges that builders face in securing their construction sites against increasingly bold and organised thieves. That’s why we’re committed to providing cutting-edge security solutions tailored to the unique needs of the construction industry.

In addition to marking your equipment, there are several other steps you can take to enhance the security of your construction site. Setting up CCTV cameras, installing adequate security lighting, and properly securing the site with robust fencing or hoarding can all help to deter criminal activity. Controlling access to the site by minimising entry points, requiring visitors to sign in, and recording vehicle registration numbers can also be effective measures.

Our experienced team will work closely with you to assess your site’s vulnerabilities and design a customised security plan that addresses your specific needs. From state-of-the-art CCTV systems with remote monitoring to advanced access control solutions and temporary security alarms, we have the expertise and technology to keep your site secure.

Investing in professional security services not only helps to protect your assets and minimize the risk of theft but can also provide valuable peace of mind and allow you to focus on your core business of building.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to prioritise the security of your construction site. Contact Pro Security today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you safeguard your equipment, reduce the risk of theft, and ensure the smooth running of your construction projects. Together, we can work to combat the threat of organised crime and create a safer, more secure environment for the Irish construction industry.